Norris Hundley Jr.
Congratulations to Norris Hundley Jr., who the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) posthumously awarded the Sally Hacker Prize 2017 for his and Donald C. Jackson’s book, Heavy Ground: William Mulholland and the St. Francis Dam Disaster (The Huntington Library and the University of California Press, 2015).
The Sally Hacker Prize was established in 1999 to recognize the best popular book written in the history of technology in the three years preceding the award. The prize, consisting of a check and a certificate, recognizes books in the history of technology that are directed to a broad audience of readers, including students and the interested public. Books worthy of this prize assume that the reader has no prior knowledge of the subject or its method of treatment, and provide an elucidating explanation of technological change in history, with a minimum of technical or academic prose.
The prize was announced Saturday October 28 at the SHOT Awards Banquet in Philadelphia.