William Summerhill interviewed about the Portuguese-language edition of his economic history of Brazilian railroads
William Summerhill interviews with the Folha de S. Paulo, and…

William Worger Featured in Article about Afri-Comics by Daily Bruin
William is featured in an article titled "History professor unmasks…

Vinay Lal Speaks On Satyagraha and the History of Global Nonviolence in LA Opera Podcast
On Saturday, October 13, 2018, Vinay Lal spoke as a part of LA…

Stephen Aron Aspen Institute Panel Available for Streaming on C-SPAN
Several of the panels on which Stephen Aron participated at the…

Kelly Lytle Hernández’ Wins 2018 Robert G. Athearn Prize
Kelly Lytle Hernández’ City of Inmates has won the 2018 Robert…

Theodore Porter’s “Genetics in the Madhouse” Featured in The New York Review of Books Article
Theodore's book, Genetics in the Madhouse: The Unknown History…

History Faculty and Graduate Students in 2018 American Society for Ethnohistory Meeting in Oaxcaca, Mexico, October 10-13
Kevin Terraciano helped to organize the 2018 American Society…

Brenda Stevenson Awarded 2018 Carter G. Woodson Scholars Medallion
Congratulations to Brenda Stevenson, who was awarded the 2018…

Kelly Lytle Hernandez Receives KCET Local Hero Nomination
Professor Kelly Lytle Hernandez receives a KCET Local Hero Nomination…