Nana Osei-Opare to Give a Presentation, “The African Archive Exists: Calls Against Postcolonial African Archival Pessimism”
Thursday, November 12 | 12:00 pm PT | Via Zoom
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Amir Alexander Lectures in the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine’s “Distinctive Voices” series
Amir Alexander gave a public lecture in the National Academies…

Sanjay Subrahmanyam Will Give a Virtual Talk at the Courtauld Institute
Sanjay Subrahmanyam will be giving a virtual talk, “After Vienna,…

Michael Meranze’s Article Featured in American Association of University Professors
Michael Meranze has published an article about the future of…

David Sabean Receives Scholarly Distinction Award by the American Historical Association
David Sabean has been awarded the Award for Scholarly Distinction…

Brenda Stevenson to Speak at a Black Lives Matter Global Perspectives Event
Brenda Stevenson will speak at the UCLA International Institute's…

Ellen DuBois Publishes NY Times Article About Pioneering Feminist
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Graduate Student Matthijs Tieleman’s Article Posted on the History News Network
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Professor Tawny Paul Awarded the Morris D. Forkosch Prize
Professor Tawny Paul has been awarded the Morris D. Forkosch…

Amanda Martinez’s Media Interviews
Amanda Martinez is a PhD Candidate who has recently done a couple…