Statements About Recent Events from History Chair
Dear colleagues,
I write to express my outrage over the recent anti-Asian and anti-women violence and my concern for those in our community who are feeling fearful. As historians, we are well aware that prejudice against Asians and Asian Americans has been a recurrent problem since the 19th century. Recent assaults fit an established pattern of racism against Asians and those of Asian descent in the United States, the history of which I will not rehearse here. In our current moment, the practice of our former president and others of blaming the pandemic on the Chinese who first suffered its effects also follows a common but unacceptable practice, one that dates back at least to the 16th century, of castigating the original victims of a plague for its devastation. Violence against women (as in the recent murder of Asian women in the killing spree in Georgia) also adheres to a familiar pattern, as do the astounding statements on the part of the police officer who tried to excuse this violence.
As historians and members of the university community, we join with others on campus and around the country in speaking against this violence. We hope all members of our community remain safe in these perilous times, not only from the effects of the pandemic but also from the violence being perpetrated on Asians and on other targeted communities.
In solidarity,
Carla Gardina Pestana
Department Chair, UCLA History
Professor and Joyce Appleby Endowed Chair of America in the World
American Historical Association statement on violence against Asians and Asian Americans