Naveen Kanalu and Nivedita Nath contributed to The Colonial State and Forms of Knowledge
Naveen Kanalu and Nivedita Nath contributed to the recently published…

Nivedita Nath Awarded a UC President’s Postdocs at UCI
Nivedita Nath,alumni and PhD candidate at UCLA, has just been…

Madina Thiam to Start a Tenure Track Position at NYU
Congratulations to Madina Thiam (PhD expected Spring 2022)! …

Lisl Schoepflin Publishes Article in Caliope 27/1
Lisl Schoepflin had an article titled "Micuc Isutu Cuiuc Utusi…

Kelly Lytle Hernández One of Six UCLA Professors to Receive UCLA Public Impact Research Award
Kelly Lytle Hernández is one of six UCLA Professors to receive…

Rebecca Waxman Receives the Penny Dissertation Research Fellowship from the UCLA Center for the Study of Women
Rebecca Waxman, 3rd year doctoral student in the South Asia field,…

Yiming Ha Publishes Research Article
Doctoral student Yiming Ha published a research article titled…

Yu Shi’s Article to be Published in Twentieth-Century China
Graduate Student Yu Shi's article "Tensions on the B-Side: The…