Stella Ghervas to Deliver the 2023 Laura Shannon Prize Lecture
Stella Ghervas, recipient of the 2023 Laura Shannon…

Kevin Terraciano Awarded J. Franklin Jameson Award
Congratulations to Kevin Terraciano, who has been…

Anthony Vivian Coauthors and Coedits “A Cultural Encyclopedia of Lost Cities and Civilizations”
Anthony Vivian coauthored and coedited (with Michael Shally-Jensen) A…

Laura Talamante named Presidential Outstanding Professor 2023
Laura Talamante (Professor and Chair of the Department of…

Digital Florentine Codex Co-Founded by Kevin Terraciano Launches
The Digital Florentine Codex project, co-founded by Kevin Terraciano…

H. Glenn Penny Publishes Essay in TRANSIT Journal
Explore the intricate history of the southern German borderlands…

Prof. Benjamin Madley Explores History of California Indigenous Law
UCLA History Professor Benjamin Madley joins the UC School of…

Eric Avila Profiled in UCLA Newsroom Article
Congratulations to Eric Avila, who was profiled in a UCLA Newsroom…