History of Gender & Sexuality Group

The History of Gender and Sexuality (HGS) Group is a community of faculty and students who share an interest in the history of gender & sexuality from antiquity to the present.  The HGS faculty comes from a variety of geographical fields, Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the US and researches a wide range of subjects using a variety of approaches. Many are connected to UCLA ethnic, regional and gender studies programs and departments and all work at the intersections in the past of race, class and ethnicity.

HGS offers undergraduate and graduate courses and sponsors public events – colloquia, presentations and conferences – featuring distinguished scholars working in the area of gender and sexuality.

If you would like to be added to the mailing list or have any questions about the HGS group, please contact Katherine Marino (kmarino@history.ucla.edu) or Andrea Goldman (goldman@history.ucla.edu).

Featured HGS Faculty and Graduate Students



Annual Graduate Student Workshop in HGS: November 1st, 2024 in Bunche 6275 9AM-5PM. 


FALL 2024

Robin Derby, History 187E, “Monsters of the Atlantic”


Mary Momdjian, History 111C, “Minorities, Women, and Gender in the Modern Middle East”

Ghislaine Lydon, History 191J, “Rethinking Kingdoms: Queens and Queen Mothers in African History”

Robin Derby, History 201I, “US Militarism in the Circum-Caribbean: Culture, History, Gender”

Andrea S. Goldman, History 200L, “Approaches to Late Imperial and Modern China” (with several weeks on gender-related topics)

Hyun Suk Park, ASIA 205: “Gender and Sexuality Studies Methodology”



HGS 2019-2020 Events and Courses

HGS 2014-2015 Events and Courses