Graduate Students & Visiting Scholars

- Currently no Visiting Scholars
- Scottie Buehler, CPM: history of medicine; gender; anatomy; history of the book; early modern Europe. Scottie’s dissertation concerns the entanglements of knowledge, books, images, practices, and objects in midwifery training courses in eighteenth century France.
- Iris Clever: My research focuses on the introduction of biometric approaches in physical anthropology in the early 20 th century and the conflicts this generated between the older anatomically oriented school of anthropology and new members entering the discipline with a more statistical approach. These conflicts centered on international standardization of instruments and measurement techniques, sample sizes, and the “correct” way to produce and reduce anthropometric data. My current project looks into the craniometric research that was conducted in Karl Pearson’s Biometric Laboratory. I am also interested in field encounters between physical anthropologists and the non-western peoples they wished to measure, as well as the re-use of this historical anthropometric data in present-day economic studies of historical standards of living.
- Hippolyte Goux: 19th and 20th century history of economy and social sciences.
- Jacob Green: The intersection of the histories of medicine, psychology and religion in 19th century Europe and America, with a focus on how these disciplines understood mystical experiences and other altered states.
- Alex Kertzner: History of Medicine; Public Health; US and Comparative Health Policy. Dissertation topic: History of polio treatment in Los Angeles
- Joshua McGuffie, MDiv., MA: I research the history of the environmental, biological, medical monitoring in the US nuclear program in the 1940s and 1950s. I am interested in Environmental history, histories of nature, space and place in science, and science and the cold-war US West.
- Twyla Ruby: Early modern history of science
- Rob Schraff: The history of science and technology in Los Angeles, California, the American West and the Pacific Rim, popular science culture and practices including hot rodding, hacking and satificing, and the history of Public Policy.
- Maia Woolner: Academic interests include points of contact between psychiatry and applied psychology in the twentieth century, the construction of new diagnostic categories, and the philosophy and material culture of the cognitive sciences. Her doctoral dissertation investigates the problem of chronicity and the doctrine of curability in French mental medicine during the Third Republic.
- Irene Pasquetto: Dissertation Working Title: “What does it Mean to Reuse Others’ Data? Knowledge Production in Craniofacial Research”
- Michael Weismeyer (2017): Assistant Professor, Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, TN: Dissertation Title: “Science Education in Early California Colleges: 1850-1880“
- Chien Ling Liu: (2016): Lecturer, UCLA: Dissertation Title: “Relocating Pastorian Medicine: Accommodation and Acclimatization of Medical Practices at the Pasteur Institutes in China, 1899-1951”
- Adam Lawrence (2016): Lecturer, SCI-Arc Architecture School Los Angeles: Dissertation Title: “A Member of the Food chain? Quantifying Primary Productivity from Nazi Germany to the International Biological Program, 1933-1974”
- Laura Morgan (2016): Dissertation Title: “Small Mites for the Treasury of Learning: The Everyday life of the new Science in Late Seventeenth-Century London”
- Marissa Petrou: Assistant Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette: Dissertation Title: “Disciplines of Collection: Founding the Dresden Museum for Zoology, Anthropology, and Ethnology in Imperial Germany”
- Kendall Milar Thompson (2015): Dissertation Title: “I, Robot: Nikola Tesla’s Telautomation”
- Gustavo Garza (2012): Dissertation Title: “An Emotive Mechanism: Phonographic Wonders and Possibilities at the Turn of the 20th Century”
- Lino Camprubi (2011), Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona and MPI for History of Science, Berlin: Dissertation Title: “Political Engineering, Science and Technology and the Francoist Landscape (1939-1959)
- Brad Fidler (2011): Assistant Professor of Science and Technology Studies (STS) at the Stevens Institute of Technology. Dissertation title: “Economies of Everyday Suffering: Some Implications of Eli Lilly’s Zyprexa Market Strategy in US Primary Care”
- Naamah Akavia (2010): died in January 2010, shortly after completing her PhD Dissertation title: “Subjectivity in Motion: Movement between Psyche and Soma in the Work of Hermann Rorschach”
- Alix Hui (2008): Associate Professor, Mississippi State University. Dissertation Title: “Hearing Sound as Music: Psychophysical Studies of Sound Sensation and the Music Culture of Germany, 1860-1910”
- Soyoung Suh (2007): Associate Professor, Dartmouth College. Dissertation Title: “Korean Medicine between the Local and the Universal: 1600-1945”
- Eric Casteel (2007): Visiting Lecturer, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Dissertation Title: “Entrepot and Backwater: A Cultural History of the Transfer of Medical Knowledge From Leiden to Edinburgh, 1692-1738”
- Courtenay Raia (2006): Humanities Faculty at Colburn School of Music (Los Angeles). Disseration Title: “The Substance of Things Hoped for: Faith, Science, and Psychial Research in the Victorian fin de siècle”
- Peter Alagona (2006): Associate Professor, University of California Santa Barbara Dissertation Title: “Transforming Conservation: Endangered Species, Biodiversity, and the Political Economy of Science in California”
- Reynal Guillen (2005): Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UCLA Disseration Title: “Scientific Colonialism Under an American Technopole: Chicanos/as, Race and Ethnicity”
- Kevin Lambert (2005): Associate Professor, California State University Fullerton. Dissertation Title: “Mind Over Matter: Language, Mathematics and Electromagnetism in 19th Century Britain”
- Minghui Hu (2004): Associate Professor, University of California Santa Cruz.Dissertation Title: “Cosmopolitan Confucianism: China’s Road to Modern Science”
- Gabriel Wolfenstein (2004): Dissertation Title: “Public numbers and the Victorian State: The General Register Office, the Census, and Statistics in Nineteenth Century Britain”
- Minsoo Kang (2004): Associate Professor, University of Missouri, St. Louis Dissertation Title: “The Automaton: A Historical Study of a Cultural and Intellectual Symbol”
- Avner Ben-Zaken (2004): Chair of the Humanities Program, Ono College, Israel. Dissertation Title: ” The Past, the East, and the Circulation of Post-Copernican Astronomy in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1560-1660″
- Kathy Nielsen (2002): Dissertation Title: “Martial Arts as a Technology in the 20th Century”
- Karen Oslund (2000): Associate Professor, Towson University Dissertation Title: “Narrating the North: Scientific exploration, technological management, and colonial politics in the North Atlantic Islands (Denmark, Iceland, Scotland)”
- Anindita Nag (2010): Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute for History of Science, Berlin. Dissertation title: “Managing Hunger: Famine, Science and the Colonial State in India, 1860-1910”
- Andrea Maestrejuan (2009): Dissertation title: “Inventors, Firms, and the Market for Technology during the Kaiserreich, 1877 – 1914”
- Karen Flint (2001): Associate Professor, University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Dissertation Title: “Negotiating Tradition: African Healers, Medical Competition, and Cultural Exchange in South Africa, 1820-1948”