
The History Graduate Office offers remote and in-person services for current graduate students and prospective applicants.  Business hours are M-F, 9:00am-5:00pm PST. Note that the office is closed during the 12-1pm lunch hour and University holidays and closures.

Current Students

The Graduate Counselor, Judy Hernandez, is available for individual appointments in the mornings, and drop-ins advising in the afternoons at the following days and times:

*remote availability only

Monday Appointments 10am-12pm Drop-ins 1:30pm-3:00pm
Tuesday Appointments 10am-12pm Drop-ins 1:30pm-3:00pm
Thursday* Appointments 10am-12pm Drop-ins 1:30pm-3:00pm

Friday* Appointments 10am-12pm Drop-ins 1:30pm-3:00pm

To book an appointment, please contact the Graduate Counselor at

Please email all academic related requests, petitions, or questions to the Graduate Counselor, Judy Hernandez, at . Though we strive for efficient response times, please allow 3-4 business days.

To schedule an upcoming benchmark exam – language exam, written qualifying exam, oral qualifying exam –  please email gradoffice@history.ucla at least 3-4 weeks before the desired exam date.

Prospective Applicants & Returning Students

Detailed information about the graduate program can be found on the Admissions Information page of our website.

Prospective applicants and returning students should email with inquires or to arrange an appointment.