Entries by

Linda Civitello

One of our graduate students, Linda Civitello, recently published a book called Baking Powder Wars: The Cutthroat Food Fight that Revolutionized Cooking. Amazon link First patented in 1856, baking powder sparked […]

Valerie Matsumoto

The UCLA Asian American Studies Center and Department, and the Department of History are extremely pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Valerie J. Matsumoto to the George and Sakaye […]

Naveen Kanalu

Naveen Kanalu, graduate student in the South Asia field, has been awarded the 2017 International Dissertation Research Fellowship of the Social Science Research Council for archival research abroad. 

Andrew Apter Debate with Dennis Prager

With conservative radio show host Dennis Prager hosting Haydn’s Symphony No. 51, which he has been invited to conduct as part of a fundraiser for the Santa Monica Symphony at […]

Kristin Mirek

Kristin Mirek, history undergraduate alumna and member of the Department of History’s Board of Advisors, is featured in an article (written by history undergraduate Maggie Bliss!) discussing her experience as […]

Cassia Roth (Ph.D. 2016)

Congratulations to Cassia Roth, who is the UCLA nominee for the 2017-18 CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award in the Humanities & Fine Arts.  It is for her dissertation titled “A Miscarriage of […]