Kelly Lytle Hernandez Featured in Los Angeles Magazine
Kelly Lytle Hernandez was featured in a short profile in Los…

Amir Alexander’s Article Published on Slate
Amir Alexander wrote an article about the recent rennovations…

Ellen DuBois Will Be Interviewed by the University of Hawai’i and Was Featured on MSNBC
Ellen Dubois will be interviewed by the University of Hawai’i…

Peter Loewenberg Was Featured in a Podcast and Has Two New Publications
Peter Loewenberg did a podcast on historical and psychoanalytic…

Ellen DuBois Published an Op-Ed in Los Angeles Times
Ellen DuBois published an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times on August…

Margaret Jacob Discusses Her Book “The Secular Enlightenment”
Margaret Jacob recently discussed her newest book The Secular…

Teo Ruiz’s Video Essay Featured in UCLA Newsroom
Teo Ruiz was featured in UCLA Newsroom in an inspiring video…

Brenda Stevenson Discusses Recent Events and the L.A. Riots
Professor Brenda Stevenson recently discussed the following events:The…

Edward Alpers Discussed His Book on the New Books Network
Edward Alpers recently discussed his book The Indian Ocean in…

Scot Brown Released Original Song and Music Video
Scot Brown just released an original song and music video. You…