Brenda Stevenson to Discuss Book at Virtual Book Club Series
Professor Brenda Stevenson will participate in the National Humanities…

Katherine Marino Contributed to a Time Magazine Article
Katherine Marino contributed a section “1911 and 1991: The…

Brenda Stevenson Explains Juneteenth History and Celebration
This week Professor Brenda Stevenson explained the history and…

Brenda Stevenson Interviewed by Several Media Outlets
Brenda Stevenson was interviewed for several media outlets this…

Statements About Recent Events from History Chair, AHA, and OAH
History Chair Carla Pestana wrote a statement on the current…

Brenda Stevenson on the Recent Social Unrest
Brenda Stevenson participated in the following media events during…

Vinay Lal on Fiat Luxes in Daily Bruin Prime
Professor Vinay Lal speaks about the Fiat Lux courses on Covid-19…

An Interview with Professor Sanjay Subrahmanyam in The Hindu
Sanjay Subrahmanyam gave an extensive interview to the Indian…

Amir Alexander Interviewed by Canadian CBC
Amir Alexander gave a recent interview with Canadian CBC radio…

Sebouh Aslanian Appointed Inaugural Director of The Armenian Studies Center
The UCLA International Institute is pleased to announce the appointment…