Eric Avila Contributes to New Lost L.A. Series for KCET
Professor Eric Avila can be seen in four episodes of this new…

Kelly Lytle-Hernández Featured on UCLA Newsroom about “Million Dollar Hoods” Project
Kelly Lytle-Hernández is featured in an article from UCLA Newsroom…

Benjamin Madley Featured in New York Times Article about Yosemite
Last Sunday's New York Times article about renaming places in…

Benjamin Madley Interviewed on KPCC
Benjamin Madley was interviewed on KPCC for a segment titled…

UCLA Newsroom Features Column by James Gelvin about Young Men in ISIS
James Gelvin wrote a piece about why young men are drawn to ISIS,…

Gary Nash to Give Lecture on New Book at Museum of the American Revolution
University of Pennsylvania has just released Gary Nash's new…

History Professors in Inaugural Class of Luskin Center Innovation Fellows
History professors Toby Higbie and Bin Wong, and history lecturer…

Stephen Aron Interviewed on AirTalk about History of Columbus Day
Stephen Aron was on Larry Mantle's KPCC show AirTalk this morning…

Joan Waugh Featured in Interview about California during Civil War
In this interview, Joan provides her expertise and insight to…

Carla Pestana’s The English Conquest of Jamaica Featured by Several Websites & Publications
Carla Pestana's book, The English Conquest of Jamaica: Oliver…