Professor Emeritus Richard Hovannisian Passes Away
We are saddened by the news of Professor Emeritus Richard Hovannisian’s…

Brenda Stevenson Discusses Her New Book in the UCLA Newsroom
Brenda Stevenson discusses her latest book, What Sorrows Labour…

Carla Pestana published “What Use is a Book? Teaching Students to Look Beyond Their Screens” in Perspectives on History
Carla Pestana has published “What Use is a Book? Teaching…

Sanjay Subrahmanyam to Deliver 2023 Annual Nicolai Rubinstein Lecture
Sanjay Subrahmanyam will deliver the 2023 Annual Nicolai Rubinstein…

Sanjay Subrahmanyam will be delivering the 39th James L. Clifford Memorial Lecture
Sanjay Subrahmanyam will be delivering the 39th James L.…

The Journal of Holocaust Research Published a Special Issue For Saul Friedlander’s 90th Birthday
The Journal of Holocaust Research has just published a special…

Caroline Ford Published an Article in the Architectural Theory Review
Caroline Ford published an article in the Architectural Theory…

Debora Silverman’s Publications Selected for the Weekly JStor Review
Debora Silverman’s publications on "Art Nouveau, Art of Darkness"…

Caroline Ford Published an Article in Comparative Studies in Society and History
Caroline Ford published an article titled, "The Environmental…

Statement of UCLA History Department Faculty on UC Academic Worker Strike
Signed Statement From UCLA History Department Faculty