en français

In January 2024, the Department of History at UCLA will award the Eugen Weber Book Prize in French History. A prize for the best book in modern French history (post 1815) over the previous two years, this award is named for eminent French historian Eugen Weber (1925-2007). Professor Weber served on the History faculty at UCLA from 1956 until 1993.  He was renowned as a teacher and scholar for being able to bring the French and European past to life, whether in magisterial lectures delivered without notes or in his many acclaimed books that covered topics ranging from right-wing elite groups to the peasantry, with a special interest in French politics and culture at the turn of the 20th century and in the 1930s.

The Eugen Weber Book Prize in French History brings a cash award of $15,000. The Award winner will be announced at the American Historical Association annual meeting in January 2024. The winning author will be invited to visit UCLA to speak about his or her work and receive the prize during the spring of 2024.

The Eugen Weber Book Prize committee is made up of one UCLA faculty member and two other members, nominated by the AHA, French Historical Studies or the Western Society of French History.  Books eligible for the 2024 prize are those published in 2021 or 2022.  Nominations will be accepted from both authors and publishers and nominated books may be published anywhere in the world in either English or French.

Please send one copy to each of the committee members at the addresses given below. The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2023.

Lynn Hunt (chair)
Weber Book Prize
10785 Weyburn Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Alice L. Conklin
Weber Book Prize
171 Medick Way
Worthington, OH 43085

Dan Sherman
Weber Book Prize
Department of Art & Art History, CB 3405
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3405

Questions? Please contact Weberbookprize@history.ucla.edu.

2022 Awardee