Jean-Marc Dreyfus is Reader in History and in Holocaust Studies at the University of Manchester (History Division), United Kingdom. He was a post-doctoral fellow at the Centre for European Studies, Harvard and the Centre Marc-Bloch in Berlin. He is the author of six monographs, including L’impossible réparation. Déportés, biens spoliés, or nazi, comptes bloqués, criminels de guerre [The impossible réparation. Deportees, looted properties, Nazi gold, war criminals] (Paris, 2015). He has recently edited a special issue of the European Review of History, on ‘Traces, memory and the Holocaust in the writings of W.G. Sebald’. He is the co-organizer (with Elisabeth Anstett) of the ERC research programme “Corpses of mass violence and genocide” (www.corpsesofmassviolence.eu).