Sponsored by: UCLA History of Science Colloquium, Institute for Society and Genetics, Department of History, with additional support from Dean of Social Sciences and Executive Vice-Chancellor
PLEASE NOTE: All are welcome to the workshop. If you want lunch though, you must sign up! To do so, simply send an email to: nortonwisefest@gmail.com
Coffee: 9:30 am
Morning Session (10 am to 12 pm)
Mary Terrall: UCLA
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Kevin Lambert: CSU, Fullerton
“William Thomson’s Notebooks: How to do things with notebooks in Victorian Britain.”
Theodore Arabatzis: University of Athens
“A philosophical history of the discovery of argon”
David Aubin: (UPMC, Paris)
“Around the blocks: pathways to a history of flowcharts”
Lunch (306 Royce)
Afternoon Session (1:30 pm to 5 pm)
Suman Seth: (Cornell University)
“Polygenism in Print: John Atkins and Naval Medicine in the 1730s and 1740s”
Mi Gyung Kim: (North Carolina State University )
“A People-Machine: Balloons and the Republican Imaginary”
Tiago Saraiva: (Drexel University)
“Heidegger’s Pigs and Dewey’s Oranges: technoscientific organisms and the writing of history of science”
Alix Hui: (Mississippi State University) and Lino Camprubi: (MPIWG, Berlin)
“Testing the Underwater Ear: Hearing, Standardizing, and Classifying Marine Sounds during the Cold War”
Norton Wise: (UCLA)
— Organized by Mary Terrall, Suman Seth, and Kevin Lambert —