Professor Andrew Robichaud, “Animal City: The Domestication of America”
Tuesday, March 2
11am to 12:15pm
Andrew Robichaud, Assistant Professor of History and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Boston University, will be talking about his book Animal City: The Domestication of America (Harvard University Press, 2019)
American cities were once full of animal life: cattle driven through city streets; pigs feeding in gutters and basements; cows crammed into urban feedlots; horses by the tens of thousands; dogs pulling carts and powering small machines; and wild animals peering out at human spectators from behind bars. In his recent book, Animal City: The Domestication of America, Andrew Robichaud reconstructs this evolving world of nineteenth-century urban animal life—from San Francisco to Boston to New York—and reveals its importance, both then and now.
Hosted by the U.S. History Series, the Joyce Appleby Endowed Chair of America in the World, and History 13B: History of the U.S. and its Colonial Origins: 19th Century
Zoom link: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/95986426972