Winter 2021 Colloquium
Feb 22 | 4PM – 5PM PST
Roundtable Past and Futures: Current Challenges in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
with interventions by:
Terence Keel (UCLA), “The Demographic Future of the History of Science.”
Abstract: This talk draws from my involvement in a roundtable
discussion at the 2020 History of Science Society meeting this fall
where up for debate was whether or not /Isis/ and the history of science
more generally is up for the task of addressing the legacy of racism
within science and the current barriers that limit the demographic make
up of our discipline.
Cathy Gere (UCSD), “The Climate Crisis and Professional Equity in History of Science.”
Zoom (RSVP Required): https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIkce-rqjsrGNLcii1yjLJfbh4xKJSSTSfx