Atlantic History Speaker Series

Aisha Beliso DeJesus, "Electric Santería: Racial and Sexual Assemblages of Transnational Religion"

Atlantic History Speaker Series

Tomas Robaina, National Library Of Cuba, "The Black Press of Cuba: Nineteenth Century Sources"

Atlantic History Speaker Series

6275 Bunche Hall

"The Lives (and Deaths) of Caged Birds: Wild Animals and their Transatlantic Circulation from the Americas to Spain During the Eighteenth Century." Martha Few, Dept. of History, University of Arizona

Talk by Professor José Curto

6275 Bunche Hall

"Population movements in the South Atlantic - the case of Benguela and Rio de Janeiro, c. 1700-1850" José Curto is a Professor in the Department of History at York University.  His research Interests include Modern Africa, Social and Economic History. This events is co-sponsored by the Brazilian history seminar and the Atlantic history cluster.

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