“Women’s Vote: Past, Present and Future”

6275 Bunche Hall

History of Women, Men & Sexuality Group presents Ellen Carol Dubois, " Women's Vote: Past, Present and Future" A book talk to commemorate 100 years of the 19th Amendment

Otniel Dror, “Supra-Maximal Super-Pleasure”

6275 Bunche Hall

Otniel Dror, Hebrew University and UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics “Supra-Maximal Super-Pleasure” This talk presents the discovery of a new post-World War II “supramaximal” “super-pleasure” region in the brain (of laboratory rats). This discovery of an instantaneously-produced insatiable self-perpetuating super-pleasure captured the imagination of contemporaries and of generations to come. It inaugurated a major transformation […]

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