Otniel Dror, “Supra-Maximal Super-Pleasure”

6275 Bunche Hall

Otniel Dror, Hebrew University and UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics “Supra-Maximal Super-Pleasure” This talk presents the discovery of a new post-World War II “supramaximal” “super-pleasure” region in the brain (of laboratory rats). This discovery of an instantaneously-produced insatiable self-perpetuating super-pleasure captured the imagination of contemporaries and of generations to come. It inaugurated a major transformation […]

Deborah Coen, “Climate Change and the Enigma of Usable Knowledge”

5288 Bunche Hall

Deborah Coen, Yale University “Climate Change and the Enigma of Usable Knowledge” One of the most pressing challenges for historians of science today is to explain the failure of scientific knowledge of anthropogenic climate change to motivate timely action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To date explanations have focused on such factors as the role […]

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