Mika Lior, Assistant Professor of Performing Arts at the University of Malta, “Circling With/In: Choreographies of Gendered & Regendered Agency in Bahian Candomblé”


Mika Lior, Assistant Professor of Performing Arts at the University of Malta "Circling With/In: Choreographies of Gendered & Regendered Agency in Bahian Candomblé" Based on history, dance studies methodologies and critical ethnography, this paper addresses choreographies of invocation and incorporation in the Afro-Brazilian ritual practice of Candomblé through the lens of indigenous feminisms and choreographic analysis. […]

Kevin Dawson, Associate Professor of History, University of California, Merced “Surfing, Surf-Canoeing, and the Atlantic Slave Trade”

6275 Bunche Hall

Atlantic Africa—the region extending from Senegal to Angola—has few natural harbors, compelling Africans to cross through surf to reach fisheries and coastal shipping lanes.  Sources suggest that one thousand years ago Africans independently developed surfing to understand how to design and surf waves ashore in surf-canoes loaded with fish cargo.  Today, Atlantic Africans remain the only people […]

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