Qing History Symposium: “Three Views from the Field”
11348 Charles E. Young Research LibraryRSVP required for this two-day symposium. Please download the flyer for the list of speakers and schedule for each day. This event is sponsored by the UCLA Center for Chinese Studies and the UCLA Department of History.
Ellen DuBois Retirement Symposium
California Room, UCLA Faculty CenterJoin us as we celebrate the career of Distinguished Professor Ellen Dubois. This event will begin at 8:30am with a continental breakfast. Please refer to the flyer for featured speakers and topics.
Dana Simmons – “Impostor Syndrome, a Reparative History”
5288 Bunche HallConference – “Three Hundred Years of Freemasonry: Its Meaning at its Founding and Today
UCLA Covell CommonsContact: Said Chaaya
100 Years of Garment Work in LA: An International Women’s Day Celebration
Location UCLA Downtown Labor Center, 675 S. Park View St., Los Angeles, CA 90057 Contact cjsrsvp@humnet.ucla.edu (310) 267-5327 For more info, click here.
Dr. Verónica Gutiérrez – “Cultural Resilience: What We Can Learn From the Oldest City in the Americas”
Former graduate student Dr. Verónica Gutiérrez is a featured speaker at Azusa Pacific University's upcoming TEDx event. The event takes place Tuesday, March 28, from 12:30pm to 4pm. She is scheduled to speak at 1:15pm. She will be discussing Mexico's rich cultural history using material that she researched while she was a graduate student at UCLA. Her talk […]