12 events found.
Marisa Fuentes, “‘Refuse’ Bodies, Disposable Lives: The Bio-politics of the Atlantic Slave Trade”
Atlantic History Speaker Series Presents Maris J. Fuentes (Rutgers University, Departments of Women's and Gender Studies and History) "'Refuse' Bodies, Disposable Lives: The Bio-politics of the Atlantic Slave Trade" Tuesday, January 24, 2017 6275 Bunche Hall, 12 PM-2 PM
2017 Alden-Berg Lecture
The 2017 Alden-Berg Lecture will feature speaker Benjamin Madley, who will be discussing his recent book, An American Genocide. RSVP for the Lecture
David Potter, “ Democracy, Plunder and the Invention of Italia”
David Potter (University of Michigan) is a candidate for the Ronald J. Mellor Chair in Ancient History.
Henrik Mouritsen – “New Perspectives on Rome as a Slave Society: Revisiting the Evidence from Herculaneum”
Henrik Mouritsen (King’s College, London) is a candidate for the Ronald J. Mellor Chair in Ancient History.
Cam Grey – “Communities, Catastrophes, and Cannibals: Social Histories of Late Antiquity”
Cam Grey (University of Pennsylvania) is a candidate for the Ronald J. Mellor Chair in Ancient History.