12 events found.
UCLA History Department Senior Honors Thesis Workshop
Zoom RSVPInterested in carrying out a year-long independent research project that will culminate in an honors thesis? Our department will be hosting a workshop for interested students on Thursday, February 1st at 1pm via Zoom. Please RSVP via https://forms.gle/vaoaE2sd9wh2PVqp8.
Kara Schlichting (Queens College, CUNY)
Bunche 5288 & Zoom“Summer Dangers: Climatological Understandings of Ill-Health in 19th Century New York” Link to Zoom Registration
Book celebration for Kirsten Moore-Sheeley (Cedars-Sinai and Claremont Graduate University)
Bunche 5288 & ZoomFeaturing a panel discussion of Nothing but Nets: A Biography of Global Health Science and Its Objects (Johns Hopkins, December 2023) with panelists Chien-Ling Liu (UCLA) and Aro Velmet (USC) Link to Zoom Registration
Vanessa Heggie (University of Birmingham, UK)
Bunche 5288 & Zoom“Deadly purity: Antarctica as a 'natural laboratory' for infectious diseases c.1880-1980” Link to Zoom Registration
Why History Matters: America’s Gun Problem
UCLA Faculty Club, Morrison RoomView the Recording