Tawny Paul, “Commodified Bodies: Debt Bondage and Maritime Labor Recruitment in the British Atlantic”
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Winter 2021 Colloquium Jan 11 | 4PM - 5PM PST Speaker Grace Kim (Vanderbilt) “Preserving Art, Producing Science: The Microbiological Lives of Cultural Heritage.” Zoom registration link: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/97402888165?pwd=SWpWdGNoR2h0dDJqbjZvZG00clI4dz09
Speaker: Brian J. Griffith, Eugen and Jacqueline Weber Post-Doctoral Scholar in European History Title: “Contesting the National Beverage: Wine, Beer, and the Battle over ‘Foreign’ Tastes and Habits in Interwar Italy” The recording can now be found here: https://fb.watch/26uKXr920X/. Brief Abstract: "This paper analyzes the struggles between the Italian winemaking and brewing industries over the shaping of bourgeois Italian […]