A Fake Saint and the Tree Church

A Fake Saint and the True Church

A Fake Saint and the True Church The Story of a Forgery in…

[Spanish Translation] Feminismo para América Latina: Un movimiento internacional por los derechos humanos

“¡Si pudiéramos nosotras, las mujeres, sacudir nuestro continente!”,…

[French Translation] Empires entre Islam et Chrétienté

Empires between Islam and Christianity uses the innovative approach…

The Israel-Palestine Conflict: A History

Now in its fourth edition, James L. Gelvin's award-winning account…

[Japanese Translation] The Politics of Dialogic Imagination: Power and Popular Culture in Early Modern Japan

In The Politics of Dialogic Imagination, Katsuya Hirano seeks…

The Contemporary Middle East in an Age of Upheaval

The US invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the Arab uprisings of 2010–11…

The World of Plymouth Plantation

The World of Plymouth Plantation Carla Gardina Pestana An intimate…

The Fury of Covid-19: The Politics, Histories, and Unrequited Love of the Coronavirus

Vinay Lal has published a book on the current pandemic: The…

Codex Sierra: A Nahuatl-Mixtec Book of Accounts from Colonial Mexico

One of the earliest texts written in a Native American language,…