Terreurs de frontière
Terreurs de frontière: Le massacre des Haïtiens en République…

[Turkish Translation] Keşifler Çağında Hint-İran Seyahatleri, 1400-1800
Bu kitap; Hindistan, İran ve Orta Asya ile ilgili Farsça kaleme…

Connected History: Essays and Arguments
Sanjay Subrahmanyam is the proponent of a new kind of “connected…

Command and Persuade
Command and Persuade
Crime, Law, and the State across History

A Fake Saint and the True Church
A Fake Saint and the True Church
The Story of a Forgery in…

[Spanish Translation] Feminismo para América Latina: Un movimiento internacional por los derechos humanos
“¡Si pudiéramos nosotras, las mujeres, sacudir nuestro continente!”,…

Labor in the Age of Finance: Pensions, Politics, and Corporations from Deindustrialization to Dodd-Frank
Since the 1970s, American unions have shrunk dramatically, as…

[French Translation] Empires entre Islam et Chrétienté
Empires between Islam and Christianity uses the innovative approach…

The Israel-Palestine Conflict: A History
Now in its fourth edition, James L. Gelvin's award-winning account…

[Japanese Translation] The Politics of Dialogic Imagination: Power and Popular Culture in Early Modern Japan
In The Politics of Dialogic Imagination, Katsuya Hirano seeks…