Trilhos do desenvolvimento: As ferrovias no crescimento da economia brasileira 1854-1913
William Summerhill’s book on the economic impact of railroads…

The Holocaust and North Africa
The Holocaust is usually understood as a European story. Yet,…

Exploring the Bounds of Liberty: Political Writings of Colonial British America from the Glorious Revolution to the American Revolution
Exploring the Bounds of Liberty presents a rich and extensive…

Canons and Values: Ancient to Modern
A century ago, all art was evaluated through the lens of European…

American Cultural History: A Very Short Introduction
The first book to offer a concise…

De la province à la nation: Religion et identité politique en Bretagne
This was Caroline Ford's first book, published 25 years ago,…

Empires Between Islam & Christianity: 1500-1800
Empires between Islam and Christianity uses the innovative approach…

City of Inmates: Conquest, Rebellion, and the Rise of Human Caging in Los Angeles
Los Angeles incarcerates more people than any other city in the…

Aesthetics, Industry, and Science: Hermann Von Helmholtz and the Berlin Physical Society
On January 5, 1845, the Prussian cultural minister received a…

Genetics in the Madhouse: The Unknown History of Human Heredity
The untold story of how hereditary data in mental hospitals gave…