Bankers and Empire

Bankers and Empire: How Wall Street Colonized the Caribbean

From the end of the nineteenth century until the onset of the…
Ninette of Sin Street

Ninette of Sin Street

Published in Tunis in 1938, Ninette of Sin Street is one of…
Jewish History

Jewish History: A Very Short Introduction

How have the Jews survived? For millennia, they have defied odds…
Europe's India

Europe’s India: Words, People, Empires, 1500-1800

When Portuguese explorers first rounded the Cape of Good Hope…
Changing Horizons of African History

Changing Horizons of African History

This collection of essays by new and seasoned scholars presents…
Native to the Republic

Native to the Republic: Empire, Social Citizenship, and Everyday Life in Marseille since 1945

In Native to the Republic, Minayo Nasiali traces the process…
Where Memory Leads

Where Memory Leads: My Life

Forty years after his acclaimed, poignant first memoir, Friedländer…
The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment: A Brief History with Documents (2nd Edition)

In an unusually diverse collection, Margaret Jacob presents the…

La seduccion del Dictador: Politica e imaginacion popular en la Era de Trujillo

Lauren Derby La seducción del dictador: Política e imaginación…
India and the Unthinkable

India and the Unthinkable: Backwaters Collective on Metaphysics and Politics

A remarkable but little commented on feature of the various discourses…