Spring 2024 Graduate Courses

(Tentative schedule; subject to change)

Course No. & Name Professor/Lecturer Day/Time Course Description
HIST 200D. Advanced Historiography: Europe Prof. P. Stacey Thrs 2-4:50 Seminar. May be repeated for credit.
HIST C200K. Topics in Historiography: India Prof. V. Lal Tues 2-4:50 Proseminar on historiography involving close reading and critical discussion of secondary scholarship and primary sources on selected topics. Reading, discussion, and analytical writing culminating in one or several historiographical essays. May be repeated for credit.
HIST 201?*
*letter TBD; concurrent 191 listing in progress
Prof. S. Aslanian Thrs 12-2:50 Seminar in early modern paleography.
HIST 201E. Topics in History: Modern Europe Prof. C. Ford Tues 1-3:50 Graduate course involving reading, lecturing, and discussion of selected topics. May be repeated for credit.
HIST C201H.1. Topics in History: U.S. Prof. Matsumoto Tues 12-2:50 Reading and discussion of selected topics. May be repeated for credit.
HIST 213B.History of Women, Men, Sexuality Prof. K. Marino TBD Designed for graduate students. Reading and discussion of selected topics. May be repeated for credit.
HIST 201I. Topics in History: Latin America Prof. F. Perez-Montesinos Wed 1-3:50 Graduate course involving reading, lecturing, and discussion of selected topics. May be repeated for credit.
HIST C201K. Topics in History: India Prof. S. Subrahmanyam Tues 1-3:50 Reading and discussion of selected topics. May be repeated for credit.
HIST C201N. Topics in History: Africa Prof. G. Lydon Mon 2-4:50 Reading and discussion of selected topics. May be repeated for credit.
HIST 246C. Introduction to U.S. History: 20th Century Prof. R. Kelley Wed 2-4:50 Graduate survey of significant literature dealing with U.S. history from the Colonial period to the present. Each course may be taken independently for credit.
HIST 490. Writing Workshop for Graduate Students Prof. W. Marotti Mon 4-6:50 Writing workshop on students’ papers-in-progress. Analysis and group discussion of rhetorical and stylistic principles, illustrated in students’ own and in professional historians’ work, help students improve their own writing. May be repeated once.
HIST 495. Teaching History (required for 1st year students) TBD TBD Required of all new teaching assistants. Lectures, readings, discussions, and practice teaching sessions within the structure of a seminar. Students receive unit credit toward full-time equivalence but not toward the nine-course requirement for MA degree. S/U grading