Lynn Hunt Delivers 2019 Charles Homer Haskins Prize Lecture
Lynn Hunt, Distinguished Research Professor, recently delivered…

Preston McBride Receives Charles Eastman Fellowship
Preston McBride (PhD Candidate, 2020) is the recipient of the…

Brenda Stevenson Named University’s 127th Faculty Research Lecturer
Congratulations to Brenda Stevenson, who has been named the…

Students in History 191C Receive Library Prizes
The 2019 Library Prize for Undergraduate Research, Library Special…

2019 Library Prize for Undergraduate Research
The 2019 Library Prize for Undergraduate Research, Library Special…

Andrea Goldman Wins Frederic E. Wakeman, Jr. Fellowship in Chinese History
Andrea Goldman has won an Frederic E. Wakeman, Jr. Fellowship…

Memorial for Professor Stanley Wolpert to be Held May 26th
Please plan on joining in on a celebration of Stanley Wolpert's…

Sean Messarra Receives Distinguished Teaching Award for Teaching Assistants
Sean Messarra has received the very prestigious Distinguished…

Lynn Hunt Named 2019 Constantine Panunzio Distinguished Emeriti Award
Lynn Hunt has been named the 2019 Constantine Panunzio Distinguished…

Former Graduate Student to Speak About New Book at Lecture Event
Caroline Luce (PhD 2013, U.S. American History) will offer a…