Celebrating the Life of Paul Padilla
Paul Padilla, longtime student advisor for the Department of…

Obituary for Professor Peter Reill
Peter Reill, Professor Emeritus of History, former department…

Carla Pestana Elected to American Historical Association Nominating Committee
Carla Pestana was elected to a three-year stint on the AHA nominating…

Sanjay Subrahmanyam to Deliver Inaugural Address for Congress of the Society of Jewish Studies
Sanjay will deliver the plenary and inaugural address of the…

Article about Gary Nash and National Center for History in the Schools (NCHS) Appears in UCLA Magazine
An article about Gary Nash and the establishment of the National…

Katherine Marino’s “Feminism for the Americas” featured in Voice of America
Katherine Marino’s book: Feminism for the Americas: The Making…

Carla Pestana featured in an opinion piece in the Daily Bruin
Carla Pestana was quoted in an opinion piece in the Daily Bruin…

Robin Derby Featured in Article by UCLA Latin American Institute
The article, titled "Shape-shifting and Storytelling in Hispaniola,"…

2019 Library Prize for Undergraduate Research
The 2019 Library Prize for Undergraduate Research, Library Special…

Memorial for Professor Stanley Wolpert to be Held May 26th
Please plan on joining in on a celebration of Stanley Wolpert's…