Learning About the Other’s Past: History, Education, and Curricula in Israel/ Palestine

UCLA Meyer and Renee Luskin Conference Center

RSVP here. RSVP here. This event is co-sponsored by: UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies, UCLA Department of History, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies, UCLA Center for the Study of Religion, University of Haifa, UCLA Luskin Center for History and Policy, Sady and Ludwig Kahn […]

Colección de Lenguas Indígenas (Collection of Indigenous Languages)

Our recent PhD Ricardo Garcia worked on a publication of a couple of Nahuatl grammar books by the Friar Juan Guerra and the Indigenous grammarian Jose Cortes y Zedeño. The work is being presented on June 16 at Guadalajara. LA LXI LEGISLATURA DEL H. CONGRESO DEL ESTADO DE JALISCO EN COORDINACIÓN CON LA BIBLIOTECA PÚBLICA DEL […]

Divisional Event

This is a history event that will be cross published on the divisional events calendar.

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