Colección de Lenguas Indígenas (Collection of Indigenous Languages)

Our recent PhD Ricardo Garcia worked on a publication of a couple of Nahuatl grammar books by the Friar Juan Guerra and the Indigenous grammarian Jose Cortes y Zedeño. The work is being presented on June 16 at Guadalajara. LA LXI LEGISLATURA DEL H. CONGRESO DEL ESTADO DE JALISCO EN COORDINACIÓN CON LA BIBLIOTECA PÚBLICA DEL […]

Divisional Event

This is a history event that will be cross published on the divisional events calendar.

Open House

6275 Bunche Hall

Workshop: Bureaucratic Data: Knowledge Production across Science, Commerce, and the State.

Speakers for this History of Science Workshop include: Maura Dykstra (Caltech), "The legal, the illegal, and the un-legal archive in late imperial China." Devin Fitzgerald (Harvard), "The Creation of the Qing 'Open Archive." Renee Raphael (UC Irvine), "Purposeful bureaucratic disorder in Philip II’s Empire?: Why Juan de Hinestrosa thought his Relation of the discovery of New Potosi would […]

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